What size is your pizza? How many people does it feed?
Our 15" pizzas feed 2-3 people, especially if you have some sides. But our light, crispy crust has been known to disappear in the hands of a single person. Better to order too much and have left overs than run short! : )

Do you have Gluten Free crust options?
We don't! Though we have experimented with some GF crust options that have been awesome, to truly offer a GF crust experience we would need two separate prep stations, two separate ovens, two separate sets of peels, etc. We would love to explore the option more fully as we grow, but we're not set up for it at this time.

Do your pizzas contain other allergens?
At this time, we are a totally egg and soy free facility. Our pesto contains pine nuts, but we are free of all other nut varieties. Allium allergens: Our sauce does not contain onion or garlic. Our pizzas will all list if they have onion or garlic as toppings, these can easily be avoided - when you all in your order tell us about your allergy and we will make clear notes to not add garlic or onion to your pizza.

How do I build a pizza oven in my side yard?
We can only recommend to watch a lot of YouTube videos, that's how we learned! A (non-crabby) neighbor also gave us an old dog house igloo situation that we were able to use as the beginning of the mold for our dome. I recommend having neighbors like this for maximum oven success.